I’ve never tweeted.
I confess, I’m a tweet virgin. Never even gotten a tweet, let alone sent one.
Yes, I’ve thus far avoided joining the Twitter community. Twitter is a free social networking service that allows users to send "updates" (or "tweets"-- text-based posts, up to 140 characters long) to each other through the Twitter site. This way people can keep up with what you’re doing between blog posts and website updates and e-mails and phone calls.
Amazingly, Twitter touts itself as a “solution to information overload.”On the other hand, if you join someone’s Twitter group you’re a “follower,” which has a nice discipleship-like sound to it.
Here’s the kind of stuff I’ve probably been missing:
George: Seething in anger at my coworkers and boss who are slowly draining me of creativity and the spark of human kindness. 2 minutes ago from webI’m willing to give Twitter a shot, though. Should The Door start a Twitter group? Do we really want to know what Joe Bob is up to at 1:30 in the morning? Do we?
Bob: This scabies medicine feels really weird. I almost don't want to put my shirt back on. Yech. one hour ago from txt
Gloria: Instead of praying today, I’m tightening up my prayer list. Just eliminated David cuz we haven’t talked in, like, forever. 9:45 a.m. June 24, 2008 from web
Alicia: Almost finished reading Thomas Friedman's NYT column. Malaise set in after realizing world is flat, and passed out. Woke up in pool of own vomit. 7 a.m. June 24, 2008 from web
Louis: Should I worry about my Dish TV spying on me after Bush signed that telecom bill? 11:35 p.m. June 23, 2008 from web
Albert: Jst gt carjacked. Mistakenly grabbed phone to twitter instd of handgun. Damn! 9:47 p.m. June 23, 2008 from txt
Steve: Hey, lightening alrt. Run for co 8:43 p.m. June 23, 2008 from txt
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