Controversy is brewing at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, where a group of students started a blog called The Secret Diary of D. A. Carson poking fun at distinguished evangelical scholar D. A. Carson. If you can follow the insider academic jargon, it's pretty funny. The site is written from the perspective of Carson and focused on his own "awesomeness." Here's a sample:
About Me: "I have a Ph.D., I've written over 45 books, I read 3 books a day, and I'm responsible for cultivating the minds of future pastors, teachers and missionaries. What have you done today?"The seminary in Deerfield, Ill., asked the group to take down the blog. The bloggers politely refused. Hey, we're all in favor of poking fun, especially at pompous academicians. So read opinions about the brouhaha at and then create your own fake diary of a self-important authority figure near you.
"...originally my parents named me Donald Arthur, but I had the "A." legally changed to "Awesome" in 1978 shortly after I definitively defeated J.I. Packer in a game of badminton. Old goat never even saw it coming...."
• Furl • StumbleUpon • Technorati Tags: Fake Carson Blog, Christian humor, satire, humor
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