Wednesday, January 2, 2008

God as lifestyle conscierge

The online magazine Slate examines Houston megachurch preacher Joel Osteen and finds him lacking.

In the article "Pentecostalism for the Exurbs," Chris Lehmann is mystified by the kinds of things Osteen's God takes an interest in:

"Even many good, godly people have gotten into a bad habit of slumping and looking down," Osteen writes in his best-selling self-improvement tract Become a Better You. "[Y]ou need to put your shoulders back, hold your head up high, and communicate strength, determination, and confidence." After all, "We know we're representing Almighty God. Let's learn to walk tall."
Stand up straight... like God does?

And I sure didn't know that "If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be up on it."

Bottom line: Lehmann says Osteen "downgrades the divine image into the job description for a lifestyle concierge."

FurlStumbleUponTechnorati Tags: Joel Osteen, Christian humor, satire, humor

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