Thursday, April 19, 2007

Web: Murder is bad for happiness

After 9-11, the Scientologists sent teams of volunteer ministers to comfort the victims at Ground Zero. Now they're also descending on Blacksburg, Va., following the Virginia Tech shootings, to share their book, The Way of Happiness by L. Ron Hubbard. Its 21 precepts include "Do not murder."

Here's an excerpt:

"The stupid, the evil and the insane seek to solve their real or imagined problems with murder. And they have been known to do it for no reason at all....The way to happiness does not include murdering of your friends, your family, or yourself being murdered."

Well, that certainly makes everything clear.

(Thanks to, via BoingBoing).

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Anonymous said...

Oh man... I kid you not... one of those nutjobs is my cousin. We just got an e-mail from him saying he's down there... groan.....

Anonymous said...

And all this time, I thought I'd be happy if only someone would murder me. I see the light now. What was I thinking.