Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Web: 'A savour of ...death unto death'

The world's first spiritual perfume, called Virtue, has been introduced by IBI, a niche fragrance company in Orange, CA. It's based on a "Biblical formula" and is "designed to be a reminder of God, Christ, spiritual self and soul."

IBI discovered that the forbidden fruit was probably a pomegranate or an apricot. They opted for the apricot, and added essence of apricot to the fragrance. "In a subtle turning of the tables, apricot now assists as a simple reminder of our Divine associations and spiritual intent."

The website tells us how to use the perfume:

"Be . . . Still . . . honor your sacred Self, and begin whatever spiritual practice is your preference. All the while, Feel, in the Stillness, the Presence that is your Spiritual Self. Smell your wrist. Let Virtue’s scent wrap this Awareness with it’s unique character that is slowly transitioning into your own Signature version of Virtue®. In time, your association with the fragrance will give you the ability to transition to a Spiritually Centered state, almost instantaneously. For Christians, we call this practicing the Presence of God, the Holy Spirit or Christ. Being Christ Centered."

Um, "smell your wrist?"

Anyway, "Almost every religion and spiritual system worldwide acknowledges that many individuals of high spiritual attainment give off a fragrance attributed to their virtue."

This would explain why no one wants to sit by me on the bus.

Any company with the chutzpah to trademark the term "Virtue" has gotta have something going for it. Maybe I'll send off for the stuff. It's only $80 a bottle.

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