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Latest release: Let's Rock
MXPX has been a pop-punk staple since they released their debut album Pokinatcha 12 years ago. But what kind of name is MXPX? Here's how the band explains it:
"It's an abbreviation for the original name, Magnified Plaid. We always used both MXPX and Magnified Plaid, but Magnified Plaid didn't fit on the flyers of any decent size, ya know, so we always had both. And later decided Magnified Plaid was a dumb name. So we stuck with MXPX."Which, of course, in NOT a dumb name....

OK, sure, they were correct to change the name. But it also shows they are wobbling on a very faulty style foundation. Plaid is never appropriate in a rock or punk band, ever.

MXPX has had many looks and styles through the years. I like their early, innocent days best (see photo at left). Clean lines. Simple outfits. Superhero motif. It's been downhill since then.
The band can sometimes reveal a decided lack of political correctness. Asked about the references to heartbreak and lost love in their songs, one member explained:
"Yeah. Girls can be really lame. But they can also be really cool though, ya know?"Oops. Broke rule No.1. Don't challenge your audience with too many cutting-edge ideas. I recommend leaving the romantic philosophizing to others and sticking with what you guys know best. Tattoos.

In the concert photo (at top), examine carefully the intricate body art designs etched into the players. These are essential to helping a musician "get his groove on." But what about after hours? When you go home, to church, out to dinner, you don't want to draw attention to yourself and embarrass your friends or family. So, in the photo (at right) of the group relaxing at home, you'll notice that the tattoos are gone.
Yep, these guys know the importance of leaving work behind at the office. If they follow my advice, stay away from plaid, practice hard and keep their wits about 'em, someday they may make a splash in the music pond.
Watch their Pepsi commercial that debuted during the Super Bowl.
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Christian humor, satire, humor