The Myriad
Latest CD: You Can't Trust a Ladder
The Myriad is a Christian Indie group from Washington State. There's only five of 'em, in case you're thinking their name indicates a Polyphonic Spree-like swarm.
Initially their look doesn't dazzle. But on closer examination, this is a group that believes in detail. Take a gander at the backstage photo, taken this year in Houston. Is that a tie and vest on that guy in the back? When's the last time an Indie group appeared onstage in tie and vest? Never, that's when.
From the birthplace of grunge, The Myriad is breakin' the rules and succeeding (they were all wrapped up in some MTV contest last I checked).
But there's more. On their MySpace page I noticed a prominently placed blurb for....their tailor? "DRESS FOR LESS BUT STILL IMPRESS" the text said. "Check out several companies that are sponsoring The Myriad's bid for style (and reasonably clean laundry) on the road."
That took me to the website of and this great quote:
"I am going to hold a pistol to the head of Modern Man. But I shall not use it to kill him. Only to bring him to life." --G.K. ChestertonWhoa! Anyway, this is an Indie band with a personal clothier. Unheard of.

One of Sidearm Clothing's t-shirts is called the Fear T. It comes with this muddled quote: "Our air filters work way, way better than FRAM (auto) filters; plus: your respiratory system is far more complex than a car's. So choose us and live cleaner. Besides, Mustard gas is no friend of yours!"
OK, the t-shirt's content is confusing, but it looks cool.
I can only applaud the musical and stylistic pursuits of The Myriad, a group at home both on the concert stage and the fashion runway. May their tribe increase.
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Funny you should post this today. I just saw these guys open for David Crowder last night in Philadelphia. I was blown away. They have a great sound. When my daughter asked if we could illegally download their album, I said, "No, kids. I think we'll pay for this one."
cool Dorse. After you purchase it, can I borrow it for about 10 minutes?
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