Sunday, February 25, 2007

The envelope, I pray thee...

As millions watch the Oscars tonight, let's not forget Movieguide's 15th Annual Faith & Values Awards Gala, hosted by the Christian Film & Television Commission at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Beverly Hills, Calif.

Participants in the event a few days ago could get goody bags containing a DVD on the 23rd Psalm, a pocket-size copy of the U.S. Constitution and a leather-bound, gold-edged Bible.

Best picture went to The Nativity Story, a feature film about the events leading up to Jesus' birth, and The Ten Commandments, a made-for-television movie about the biblical prophet Moses. The prize was $50,000 from the Templeton Foundation.

Sure, this is another crass mirroring of the world's institutions, with a tacked-on Christian values veneer. But no TBN-sponsored or Left Behind movies took the prize this year. And for that we can be thankful. In fact, I'd like to thank the commission, the wonderful Templeton Foundation people, my fourth grade Sunday School teacher....

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