Friday, February 2, 2007

What's Ugly Christian Band of the Week?

The Ugly Christian Band of the Week feature was created to fill a need in the popular Christian music scene. Many sites review and critique the music and lyrics of Christian bands. But none evaluate what the scene is really all about-- style.

Unless the style and attitude of a Christian band is just right, it may stick out as different from the genre it's attempting to emulate, and thus fail to attract notice from the listening public.

Of course there's a limit to how closely bands can or should imitate the secular music cosmos. We wouldn't want any hip-hop type "jive" talking or "rapping" to distract from the message. Style review is an art not a science, so just take off those sunglasses so we can see your eyes. And, hey--matching paisley shirts worked fine for the Kingston Trio. Give 'em a chance at least. And smile for God's sake.

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