Friday, March 30, 2007

Web: Chocolate Jesus could be worse

Where to start.

An anatomically correct 6-foot statue of Jesus made out of milk chocolate and entitled "My Sweet Lord" led off an exhibit at the Lab Gallery inside midtown Manhattan's Roger Smith Hotel just before Holy Week.

The Catholic League, a watchdog group. called the exhibit "an assault on Christian sensibilities."

But there are several reasons to look on the bright side.

• At least this isn't a hollow chocolate Easter Bunny, touting commercialism and a dead pagan religion.

• No colored eggs or baby chicks are involved.

• Recent findings show chocolate is good for the heart.

• It's not white chocolate, which would stir up all kinds of racial controversy.

• No Easter bonnet was upon it.

• He could have included a soundtrack of Tom Waits' song Chocolate Jesus.

• He could have made it anatomically in-correct.

• Artist Cosimo Cavallaro didn't use his last sculpting material, in which he festooned a four-poster bed with 312 pounds of very un-kosher processed ham.

Update: Oh, never mind. They cancelled the exhibit.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Boy, this whole Chocolate Jesus thing really gets my goat. I'm addicted to sugar and have been abstinent for over 3 years. I am also a Christian. I want to partake in the body of Christ, but I don't want to sacrifice my recovery doing it. Are their any sugar-free chocolate Jesuses on the market?