Saturday, March 17, 2007

Video: The Two-minute Mizvah

For many of us, who can barely perform a 20-second mitzvah, this will come as good news.

Yes, we were drawn back and discovered their "Two Minute Mitzvah" feature, Rabbi Yoni Goldfarb's quest to spread goodness, two minutes at a time. It's part of our pre-Passover countdown. Woo-hoo!

A mitzvah is an "act of kindness," and Rabbi Yoni Goldfarb says, "No matter what pair of slacks you're wearing in the day-to-day, there's always a pocket of time to make nice." This one is called "Never Cry over Shpilled Milk."

And the bottom line is something I plan to have lamenated for my wallet: "It was better to have klutzed & shplotzed than never to have klutzed at all."

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