Paige Patterson, controversial president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, has managed to blame Virginia Tech students for the death of their classmates. I think.
In a chapel address April 18, he said:
“Now if you’re a male student, will you just lift your hand for a moment so I can see you? Thank you for that commitment. God forbid that anything happen like this here, but each of you that just raised your hand said, ‘Never be more than two or three shots before I’m on him. Doesn’t matter how many of us he takes out. ‘ See, all you had to do was have six or eight rush him right at that time, and thirty-two people wouldn’t have died. Now folks, let’s make up our minds. I know we live in America where nobody gets involved in anybody else’s situation. That shall not be the rule here. Does everybody understand? You say, well I may be shot. Well, yeah, you may. Are you saved? You’re going to heaven. You know, it’s better than earth . . . Now one more time, how many male students are there? I’m counting on you.”
Patterson has long worried that American society was turning young boys into pansies. At a Sportsman's Safari wild game dinner in Arkansas in 2003, he said, "You've got to make little girls out of your little boys," in our society. Little boys, he said, need three things--a dog, a gun and a dad. "Get him a gun," Patterson urged. "Not a play gun, but a real gun. Play guns are the most dangerous guns in the world."
Well... tell that to the Virginia Tech student body.
(Thanks to Ben Cole's Baptistblog for the tip).
Technorati Tags: Paige Patterson,
Christian humor, satire, humor
Yes, and let us have every male student pack one! Of course I heard from a Baptist pastor friend that when he was pastoring in Waco that one of the big conservative churches there had a blessing of guns. And Jesus said, oh, my! Of course over at On Faith, Chuck Colson and Cal Thomas condemn Islam for being a religion of violence!!!
Gee, I guess was aren't pansies after all, just good old folk who would never think of protecting outselves with a [dare I use the word] gun. When a line of people will simply stand there as someone comes down that line shooting them they prove that women ARE taking over in America. Since women now are obsessed with being like men, how come one of them didn't step forward and be a hero?
Hmmm...laying down your life for someone else...where would he get a crazy idea like that?
Besides, I am all for equal opportunity. Let the women pack heat as well.
Owning or having a gun as a christian (or advocating such) does not make christianity a religion of violence. Now if those christian leaders exhorted them to use those weapons to "kill the infidels" and coerce people to Christ---well now you've got something. But it's so much easier to take pokes at strawmen. ~S
Well he's obviously a tough guy. Hunting defenseless animals with only a rifle? What a big man!!
I love that you manage to toe the left party line in absolutely everything you say, despite calling yourselves Christians. Where in the Bible does it say "invent your own church, because why not, in 2,000 years you'll be tired of the stodgy old churches like the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church." What are we on earth for? Would anyone mentioned favourably in the Bible advocate standing there while someone guns down your friends? No, they'd tell you to defend them, with your life if necessary. Your told to turn your own cheek, not turn everyone elses for them by doing nothing. Feel free to tell me if you dissagree- if you believe that guns make criminals and that our job as men is to call the police and hide like frightened rabbits.
Patterson is correct. While I don't know what I would have done in that situation, I hope to goodness that I would have taken some action to stop the carnage, especially if I knew I was going to get killed anyway. Sure beats just waiting for my turn. Hopefully even the softest pacifist out there understands the need to use force to stop someone from going on a shooting rampage.
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