Thursday, May 17, 2007

Web: Testosterone Revival

It's time to ask again the age-old question, "Who Would Jesus Thump?"

Joseph Freid, a youth group leader at Redeeming Love Fellowship in Shreveport, La., will fight Cale Grady of Waco, Texas, in an amateur mixed-martial arts main event at Harrah's Louisiana Downs.

"I'm trying to rip his arm off or beat him until he can't talk straight for a week," Freid told the Shreveport Times. "Fighting in the martial arts requires self-discipline. There is a code that is involved with it if you're going to do it well. And it requires a certain amount of self-sacrifice. That is very much in line with being a Christian."

"The Bible says 'love everybody,' said Freid. "It doesn't say you can't beat on them at little."
Somebody tell Paige Patterson we've found the new associate professor of pugilism for Southwestern Seminary.

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