Thursday, July 5, 2007

Supersize that pancake breakfast?

According to a new Cornell University study, highly religious people were the least likely to think of themselves as fat. In fact, they often thought they were thinner than they actually were.

Researcher Karen Kim speculates that religion "encourages self-worth beyond the body" and protects people from the ideal body imagery that pervades popular culture.

Uh, let's read that again: "They often thought they were thinner than they actually were." In other words, these people really were fat. They were just lying about it to themselves.

This may correlate with another recent study by the Gallup organization that showed trust in organized religion was the lowest in 36 years.

I mean, how can people trust us about eternal truth when we don't even know if we're fat or not?

Come on, say it with me: "I'm fat. I'm fat. I'm fat."

Shout it from the rooftops.

Now that we've cleared up that physical delusion, our spiritual condition might actually come into focus, too.

One day at a time.

Technorati Tags: obesity,
Christian humor, satire, humor

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