Thursday, April 12, 2007

Video: The Hallelujah habit

Too late for Easter, but here's a remarkable concert presentation of Handel's Hallelujah Chorus from youtube. No, that's not a gaggle of nuns. It's the Turtle Creek Chorale, the mostly gay men's chorus from Dallas, in some sort of religious drag.

It's not surprising the music is so good. Timothy Seelig, who's directed the chorale for 20 years, is a former Baptist minister of music and son of a former vice-president Southwestern Baptist Seminary in Fort Worth.

But actually, you may not want to listen to Handel ever again after you read this New York Times piece suggesting the Messiah itself was an anti-Jewish diatribe.

Is nothing sacred?

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for ruining "The Messiah" for me--I really won't ever be able to sing it again with the same enthusiasm.