Saturday, April 21, 2007

Web: Thank God I'm scamming you

First, a disclaimer: I really believe in being thankful and seeing the hand of God in every circumstance. But is perhaps the creepiest website I've ever run across. I had to wait a few weeks before I could even write about it. (Thanks for nothin' Metafilter).

One woman's testimony, "Thank God I Died," goes completely over the edge.

"Yes, in 1975 at four years old, I was brutally murdered. The child left the body, and I came back ... a completely different person. Much older, much wiser, with actual memories from the '50s and '60s that I should not have had at four."
Sorry honey, I can't go there. Maybe you should write "Thank God I'm Loopy." Oops, that's probably already somewhere on the site, too.

Other titles include "Thank God I Had An Abortion," "Thank God I Have A Disfunctional Family" and my personal favorite, "Thank God I Am a Bitch."

"Renowned authors" John Castagnini and Amanda Kroetsch, who created the site, invite you to become a published writer, earn a royalty and "enter the world of e-commerce and earn high commissions on every sale referred by your site." And then there's this telling image. Maybe that's why it's creepy.

Something like this can give gratitude a bad name.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

uh, that guy looks like Jeff Spicoli. and his message is, uh, nutty!