Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Web: Original-recipe Catholics

The Dallas Morning News religion blog alerts us to this breaking story:

"The world's most popular chicken restaurant chain is offering fish for the first time nationally with the introduction of the new KFC® Fish Snacker. The company has asked the Pope himself for his blessing, with KFC President Gregg Dedrick sending a personal letter to the Vatican."

The press release says Vatican officials have "confirmed they received KFC's request, and the company is hopeful to get the Pope's blessing this Lenten season." The new product will be "ideal for American Catholics who want to observe Lenten season traditions while still leading their busy, modern lifestyles. We believe it will be especially popular on Fridays," said James O'Reilly, Chief Marketing Officer for KFC.

Combined with our earlier chicken story below, a trend is developing that we've got to get on top of.

In their Social Responsibility section of the website, the KFC folks say "Yum! Brands, parent company of KFC, is committed to the humane treatment of animals."

I suppose that means all those fish and chickens are persuaded--perhaps after a clergy counseling session-- to sacrifice their lives for American obesity.

Yum. Thou hast almost persuaded me to become a vegetarian.

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