Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Door signs on to global satire goals

The Wittenburg Door Magazine announced today that its board of directors has endorsed the United Nations Millenium Goals for Satire, joining many other humor entities around the world in throwing the full weight of its influence behind the global fight against religious complacency in both the west and developing countries.

A little known sub-paragraph of the Millenium Development Goals--the U.N. program to fight poverty adopted in 2000-- the Satire Goals are three-fold:

-- Reduce by half the extreme self-righteousness of the world's religious leaders by the year 2015.
--Warn world bureaucrats against taking overly ambitious plans and agendas too seriously.
--Maximize cultural understanding through the exchange of limericks and knock-knock jokes in foreign languages and funny caricatures of sacred religious symbols.
"For the first time in history we have the technology, the resources and the knowledge to get this done," Door editor Robert Darden explained a letter to U.N. General Secretary Ban Ki-moon. "All we have lacked until now is the will."

FurlStumbleUponTechnorati Tags: Millenium Goals, Christian humor, satire, humor

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