Thursday, October 4, 2007

Uglyband: Blase no longer blasé

Blase is a girl hip-hop group from "H-town" in Texas. I suppose that refers to Houston, but it could just as easily be Henderson, Harker Heights, Hereford or a dozen others. It's not clear from their MySpace page info.

Nevertheless, take a look at this group. You might think Blase is, well, blasé, if not for the amazing transformation we see documented. The photo above is their current, cool look, but check out an earlier version of the group in the photo below.

I suspect their mammas took them by the ear and dragged them over to the local stylist for a makeover. From being stuck in some kind of 1970s Jackie Brown kind of whirlpool, they were able to break out of it and slip into a new, classy look.

Folks, that's how it's supposed to be done. No doubt we owe a lot to one of the first "friends" commenting on their page--Nikki The Unique Stylist. Hat's off to that girl.

If more of our Christian bands could take a cue from Blase and shed their woefully outdated and un-schooled choices in clothes, hair and attitude, who knows how much the Kingdom of God would benefit?

On the other hand, girls, the syrupy sweet online greeting cards on your Myspace page are sorta creepy and make me gag. Fire your web designer.

FurlStumbleUponTechnorati Tags: Blase, Christian humor, satire, humor

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your are funny in that the photo for the 70's look was for one of the members 10yr wedding anniversary 70's party. This was never the group's look...LOL. Please get your facts straight before posting untrue blogs.